Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

First Step

Some of this week task in my everyday life is to find my step first.

The first is, finally I could finish my self-study for MPLS. What I liked is now i'm be able to begin to enter the lab problems, as I returned a second review to the theory, do some lab, and started to go into BGP to the lab and into a more advanced MPLS. so this is my First Step before moving to MPLS BGP exam on CCIP track.

The second is, My music partners, from the spirit of my music asking me to do music again. well, I guess this could be done on the sidelines of our busyness, the average IT professional in the field, there are a programmer, IT Const, Servers man, and of course ... network engineers: P. so this is my first step to be able to make music together again, not just recorded my self video on you tube and facebook, which are usually aimed to remind me, how nice to playing music:).

The third is, the desire to live more healthy, I smoke, and sometimes my job requires me to unsleep all night. so I started to workout, reduce smoking 3 cigarettes a day so (the rest have .. peace). and sleep when idle for a minimum 7 hours a day So this is my first step to a healthier life.

Yes, that First step isn't much guarantee that i will be able to advancing to the process and then to the final step. but I'm sure ... first step could be important if accompanied by intention, first step is the foundation, first step is lifestyle.

so, your first step?

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